Never should we forget about the millions of innocent human beings who have been slaughtered during the holocaust. Never should we forget about this terrible period of our history, never should we forget that those millions of victims only wanted to live in peace.

The Old Cemetery of the Podgórze Jewish Community destroyed by the nazis. Amon Göth’s men forced the inmates to cut the gravestones and to use them to build the camp’s roads. What you see in the pictures are the remains of the tombstones, only one of them still stands, it was probably put there by surviving inmates after the liberation of the camp.

Destroyed Jewish temple by Amon Göth and SS.

Cave built by the inmates as slave labour.

The grey house : This house served as prison and torture site for the prisoners of concentration camp Plaszow from 1943 to 1945.

The Red House or Amon Göth’s house and balcony.