The Great CR Easter Hunt

This project is COMPLETELY SELF MADE.  The goal of this project was to promote a website that we created, we wanted the CR teams to explore all the pages of the website. Close to the Easter 2022 period, I proposed to my team to develop a digital Easter Hunt. That would allow us to celebrate Easter with the teams (even remotely) and to obtain them to explore our website. 

I then developed all the ten different riddles hidden in animated eggs. The eggs were all hidden on the website in key pages that we needed them to be aware of. Once the riddles were cracked, I created a google form that allowed them to enter the password. Once open, the winners would encounter a message informing them about their success. In a team of nearly 300 people, 7 of them made it through all the riddles. All of them obtained a prize and a personal celebration. 

Results of the event : The traffic on the website raised drastically from 100 page views daily to almost 5000. The average time spent on the website went from 1 minute to 8 minutes. Adding the team satisfaction and excitement, it was a complete success. 

Please feel free to go through all the riddles, you can contact me personally for Hints, I would be happy to help you !

Softwares used : After Effects; Photoshop, Illustrator